Many people go through difficult periods where one may feel alone, overwhelmed, unfulfilled, and unsure what to do. It could be that you’re dealing with a new change like going off to college, ending a relationship, starting a new job, or maybe you're the first one in your family or friend group to go down a different path. Navigating all this can be so hard on your own. It is in therapy where one can have an opportunity to find meaning and purpose in their lives, to find clarity of what they want, to create and to build stronger connections with others, and to find new ways of relating to yourself when old patterns no longer work.
I’m a bilingual Latina from Orange County, CA. I specialize in working with folks who have been facing and overcoming emotional wounds, self-worth struggles, anxiety, depression, and stressors.
In our work together, you will become aware of patterns, help you understand and respond to difficulties, and work towards your personal goals.
My therapeutic style is warm, caring, curious, and nonjudgmental.
To see if we’re a good fit, message me for a phone consultation.
For insurance clients:
Kelley Escamilla
Licensed Clinical Social Worker